Knee Pain and Injury
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Knee Pain and Injury

Board-Certified Knee Surgeons

Knee pain can occur because of a condition that has developed over time or from overuse, like osteoarthritis, arthritis, and Runner’s Knee. Pain can also be the result of a recent sports injury, such as a meniscus tear or dislocated kneecap.

In some circumstances, and if not identified early on, conditions such as knee arthritis may create extreme bone and joint discomfort. Knee surgery, such as knee replacement or knee arthroscopy, is a possible option for relieving your knee pain.

How Do I Know If I Need Orthopedic Knee Care?

If you’re experiencing any of the following knee pain symptoms, it may be time to visit a Steindler knee specialist.


• A painful popping or snapping noise in or around the knee
• Feel like your knee is giving out while walking, running, jumping, or turning
• Have severe pain in the joint, knee, kneecap, or behind the knee
• Cannot bend or move knee
• Begin limping or are unable to walk comfortably
• Have swelling of the knee, joint, or calf area

How Can I Schedule A Knee Consultation?

A diagnosis is the first step to finding a solution to your knee pain. Call us at (319) 338-3606 to schedule a visit.

Common Knee Conditions


Osteoarthritis of the knee happens when cartilage in your knee joint breaks down, causing the bones to rub together. This friction creates pain in the knee, which can cause stiffness and impair range of motion.

Tendon Tears

Tendon tears within the knee are often accompanied by a tearing sensation or a loud popping noise. Pain and swelling typically follow as well as the inability to straighten your knee. Proper treatment may involve physical therapy or possibly surgery.

Meniscus Tear

A tear of the meniscus is when the rubbery knee cartilage that cushions the shin bone from the thighbone is torn forcefully by a twisting or rotation of the knee. Pain, swelling, stiffness, and difficulty extending the knee are all common symptoms. Treatment often involves resting, icing, and physical therapy.

Dislocation of Kneecap

A dislocated kneecap is often caused by a blow or sudden change in direction when the leg is planted on the ground. A popping sensation, severe knee pain, and swelling are common tell-tale signs of dislocation. Getting treatment will ensure proper healing in about six weeks.

Appointment Resources

Once you have scheduled your appointment with one of our specialty-trained doctors, please use the links below to obtain our new patient forms and browse through our tips and suggestions on preparing for your appointment.

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At Steindler Orthopedic Clinic, we know how important it is for you to get an appointment scheduled promptly.

Please call us at (319) 338-3606 or our toll-free number at (800) 373-6417.

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