Billing Information and Pay Bill Online
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Billing Information and Pay Bill Online

Request An Appointment

At Steindler Orthopedic Clinic, we know how important it is for you to get an appointment scheduled promptly.

Please call us at (319) 338-3606 or our toll-free number at (800) 373-6417.

More helpful contact info:


If you need immediate medical assistance, please call 911.

Basic Billing Information

*Your first billing notice will be sent as a text billing to the phone number on file. You will also receive an e-statement if we have an email address on file. A paper statement will only be sent if the account balance remains due after 30 days. If you prefer a paper statement, please contact our billing office and we can accommodate a request to email or send a statement via the postal service.   

We encourage patients to leave a secured copy of their credit card on file and authorize us to charge this card on file only for that day’s charges and only after your insurance verifies your exact amount due (up to $250.00). Once we have received an explanation of benefits from your insurance carrier, you will receive an e-statement one week prior to charging your card, using an auto-debit. At that time, you have the right to request a lower payment be made. This allows you to pay without mailing payment or giving your card number over the phone. You can review the detailed breakdown of the services provided and itemized cost explanation by logging into your Health iPASS account. 

At Steindler Orthopedic Clinic, our account specialists are available to assist you with your insurance and billing needs.

The following information is provided to assist you in contacting us and understanding our billing and insurance policies and processes.

Office Hours & Contact Information

Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 4:30pm

Phone: (319) 338-4440

Fax: (319) 338-0522

Mailing Address: Steindler Orthopedic Clinic, 2751 Northgate Dr, Iowa City, IA 52245

Click here to pay your bill online. Our Patient Payment Portal is quick, easy, and secure!

Insurance Plans

At Steindler Orthopedic Clinic, PLC, we are preferred providers with many insurance companies. The following is a list of insurances that we are contracted with, as well as preferred provider organizations (PPOs). Please be aware that some plans limit access to only certain providers*. Please contact your insurance company to verify eligibility and coverage. 

This list changes from time to time so please call your insurance company before your visit or give us a call at (319) 338-4440.

Payer Name

Product Name

We do not contract with PHCS/Multiplan network or out-of-state Medicaid plans. We do not accept what Health Share plans or Out-of-Network plans deem as ‘Usual and Customary’ reimbursement. In this case, payment is expected at the time of service and the patient will need to file the claim to their out-of-network provider for reimbursement.

Workers’ Compensation: Iowa workers’ compensation allows the insurance carrier/employer to direct care. All visits must be prior approved by the insurance carrier and our provider designated as the treating physician. Claim filing information must be provided by the WC adjuster, before an appointment will be scheduled.

Urgent Care Patients: Steindler Orthopedic Clinic is not a free-standing Urgent Care facility. Urgent Care claims will be billed to your insurance carrier as Place of Service being ‘office’ rather than ‘urgent care’.

Co-Payment/Co-Insurance & Filing Claims

Steindler Orthopedic Clinic will file all claims to our contracted insurance carriers. Upon filing the claims, we request the insurance carrier pay Steindler Orthopedic Clinic directly. Once we receive payment or non-payment notice from your insurance carrier, any balance remaining will be billed directly to you.

We require co-payment or coinsurance payments at the time of service. We accept MasterCard, VISA, American Express, Discover, Cash, and Checks.

Disability Claims

Patients requesting the completion of a disability claim will be charged a $20.00 fee. Payment for these claims is required in advance.

Self-Insured Patients, Health Share Plan, & Out of Network Patients

Patients who are not insured by an insurance plan or have a non-contracted insurance carrier will be required to pay for services at the time of your appointment. Patients with a Health Share Plan or Out of Network Insurance will need to file the claim to their plan themselves and the reimbursement will be sent directly to the patient. The patient will be required to sign the linked Out of Network Acknowledgement form.

Out of Network Acknowledgement form (click here)

No Surprises Act

Patients have billing protections when receiving emergency care at an out-of-network facility or are unexpectedly treated by an out-of-network provider at an in-network facility. In these situations, you cannot be billed for the difference between what your plan agreed to pay, and the full amount charged for a service. To learn more, click the PDF below.

No Surprises Act Information (click here)

Financial Concerns

Financial payment arrangements may be requested in advance by contacting our account specialists prior to your appointment.